Dental Braces Cost In Hyderabad

The demand for orthodontic treatment in India is at an ever-increasing rate. Everyone wants to be attractive and dawn a perfect smile on their face. An important concept of facial appearance is one’s mouth and teeth.

Recent studies have pointed out the fact that in face-to-face situations, the eyes primarily scan the other person’s eyes and areas of the mouth. As a matter of fact, a good dental appearance is one of the pivotal requisites and poor dentofacial appearance produces negative perceptions.

But, not everyone is bestowed with a perfect set of well-aligned teeth. If you are concerned with your dental appearance, you might have as well considered to go for braces or some other orthodontic treatment. But, braces are clearly noticeable and most people, both young and adult complained about feeling embarrassed and/or negative peer reactions.

So, the question is how can you get a perfectly well aligned set of teeth without being looked down or ridiculed? We will surely give you an answer to that! But prior to that, let us try to understand more about the concerns.

Who needs Braces?

Braces are mostly sought by people who have crooked or misaligned teeth. While these are the most common reasons, there are a host of other problems that require use of braces. Here’s a list of the problems –

  • Crowding – when an individual has more than 32 teeth, it results in misalignment.
  • Spacing – irregular tooth sizes (and, a few missing teeth) might create gaps and spaces.
  • Bite problems – excessive vertical overlap of jaws lead to the problem called overbite.
  • When your upper front teeth are irregularly placed and look un-aesthetic.
  • At times, the prominent teeth might get damaged, but undergoing orthodontic treatment will assist in moving them back to their ideal positions.
  • When the set of teeth do not meet correctly, your jaw muscles might get strained. This leads to jaw and joint problems as well as headache in some cases.

The idea of getting visible braces isn’t a pleasant one, but now you have the option to choose invisible braces. You can wear them without having to worry about stigmas or discomfort and they are barely noticeable.

Getting braces isn’t as bad as you think!

Invisible Teeth Braces: Never Stop Grinning

braces cost in hyderabadWell, braces are frequently used to straighten misaligned teeth during late childhood, there are still numerous cases when adults end up needing braces too. When it comes to Adult Orthodontic treatment, the approach is a bit different and Winning Smiles excels on understanding adult orthodontics needs. The traditional approach is metal braces which are uncomfortable and generally considered unsightly. As a result of this, most people forget to smile!

Fortunately, Winning Smiles Dental Lounge – one of the best Dental Clinic in Hyderabad offers options that can address some of these issues. The orthodontists here are professionals with experience spanning decades and specialize in correcting irregularities of the teeth.

Instead of the traditional metal brace, Winning Smiles Dental Lounge ensures that straight teeth and a perfect smile no longer need to come from a mouth full of unattractive wire and bracket braces. They provide invisible teeth braces – a barely visible alternative to traditional braces.

You might as well wonder what are invisible braces. They are a set of custom-made clear plastic aligners designed to shift your teeth into proper positions. It works the same way as traditional braces and are less noticeable, thus offering an aesthetic advantage. Unlike traditional braces, aligners or invisible teeth braces can be easily removed while brushing, flossing, or eating.

How do Invisible Teeth Braces work?

Invisible teeth braces, clear aligners, transparent aligners – this awesome product goes by many names. However, please note that aligners do not work the same way for everyone. You will need to consult your orthodontist to get the type that best suits you.

Clear aligners are typically used for patients who have –

  • Mild or moderately crowded teeth,
  • Minor spacing issues, and
  • Moderate overbite, underbite, or crossbite.

These aligners work by using a series of retainers to gradually move your teeth into optimal position. At the onset, your orthodontist would take a three-dimensional impression of your teeth using a special putty. Then, the mold will be used to create your aligners.

Based on the problems you need to be addressed, the doctor will create a treatment plan for you. With regular use, your teeth slowly adjust and gradually will realign to give you that much-desired smile.

The length of treatment varies on your problems and the type of invisible braces being recommended to you. Most orthodontists recommend their patients to wear these aligners between twenty and twenty-two hours daily. You might as well need to wear new aligner sets for specific period of time. At every periodic visit, your orthodontist would assess the current progress and provide you with the next aligner set.

The overall period of treatment varies depending on the problem and treatment plan. It is recommended that you speak with your orthodontic and get a fair idea about the treatment steps, duration and other relevant details.

Benefits of Invisible Teeth Braces

Well, the invisible braces cost is justified. It does offer quite a few benefits. Listed below are some of the major takeaway when you use clear aligners.

  • As the name suggests, these are virtually invisible and relieves you of the embarrassment of wearing metal braces and being ridiculed at.
  • With clear aligners, your orthodontist wouldn’t limit your dietary habits. You get minimal food restrictions as these are removable. You can always take these off and put them back after you finish a scrumptious meal.
  • Clear aligners are easy to care when compared to metal/traditional braces. All you need to do is take them off, cleanse them with the solution provided by your orthodontist, brush/floss your teeth, and put them back.
  • There is no pain involved when using clear aligners. Since, there are no wires or metal, the chances of cut or scrape on the inside of your mouth or gums is non-existent.
  • You can pursue music as there are no brackets involved. Go on, blow the trumpet without any pain or difficulty!
  • As these are easily removable, you get fewer limits and more flexibility to do tasks that traditional braces won’t provide.

Invest in an invisible brace and get a confident smile which will lead to improved self-esteem and overall happiness. Speak with your orthodontist today!

Winning Smiles – The Best Dental Clinic in Hyderabad

Personalized approach – Orthodontics is a sophisticated art and is heavily dependent on experience and expertise. The doctors in Winning Smiles are friendly and would make you feel at home so you can discuss all your problems at ease. You come as a patient and become a friend.

Experience –The team of highly experienced orthodontists and certified invisible braces specialists equipped with advanced machines are able to diagnose the issue in-depth so you can decide quicker and effective measures can be taken beforehand. The treatment is also efficient and cost effective.

Technology – The state of the art technologies are combined with highly skilled and certified staff members for making the dental treatment procedures safe and effective for clients. The professional and courteous doctors take pride in customer satisfaction.

Safety – Patients safety is a major priority for the staff at Winning Smiles and they strictly align to high standards of sterilization and hygiene.

Customer Service – We guarantee secrecy of our clients as we really understand the importance of it. Our team works relentlessly to determine the best methods available for restoring and maintaining the health and beauty of your teeth and to be at the forefront of the latest advancements in dental care. Wining Smiles take pride in saying that the treatments we provide are among the safest and most effective available.

Personalized Treatment – At Winning Smiles, the same doctor attends to your problem from the start to the end. You won’t be meeting different orthodontists every time you visit. This personalized approach paves the path for better treatment as the doctors are already aware of your problems.

Best Infrastructure – Winning Smiles treatment center is widely acclaimed for maintaining the best in-class infrastructure, equipment, and methods which adhere to the international safety protocols.

Over the years, the doctors at Winning Smiles have helped multitudes of clients to look and feel the way they want to. All these features and many more makes Winning Smiles the best dental clinic in Hyderabad. They develop treatment to achieve exactly what you want and have been spreading ‘perfect’ smiles as well as the finest quality dental care since 1999.

The team at Winning Smiles strive to spread everlasting smiles. Contact us and we will guarantee a smile on your face that will never fade.



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